Choose Format > Font > Baseline, then choose an option. To select "Image," type the underlined letter i. Choose View > Customize Toolbar (from the View menu at the top of your screen). Pretty easy, and the formatted formula can be copied and pasted into most other rich text or HTML editors, including Apple Mail. Both apps have an image of a sheet of paper and a pen. For superscript, press Control-Shift-Command-Plus Sign (+). Select the characters you want to raise or lower. Adjust the baseline of text in TextEdit documents. Raise and lower text without changing its size Tip: You can also format text as superscript or subscript by selecting options in the Font dialog box, as described in the next procedure.
Mac offers different keyboard input methods to type in a language different than your standard keyboard layout. … Tap the subscript character you want to type. In the Font section, click, click the Baseline pop-up menu, then choose Superscript or Subscript.
Then type 00B9 in the Character Code box. It's in the menu bar at the top of the screen.Step 3, Click Font.

In the search box, type ‘Superscript’ or ‘Subscript’. For example, to create a custom number format for superscript 3, type 0, press the Alt key, type 0179 on the numeric keypad, then release Alt. However, when I do this, it moves the text up yet another level to become a superscript to the superscript. If you need to type ² in a word document, so you can use the Superscript option that can be allowed by (Ctrl + Shift + +)shortcut key You can use the Alt code. Under the Symbols tab, in the Font drop-down list, type in and select Normal text. Click the Forma t menu, select Font, click Baseline, then click Superscript. This is how you may use the subscript keyboard shortcut to type subscripts in Microsoft Word. (Do not press Shift.) Using the Subscript button on the Home tab. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to quickly apply superscript or subscript to selected text. Placing the mouse cursor over Font will display a submenu to the … For example, to open the Insert menu on a Mac, press Ctrl + Option + i.

You can use the "n abc" button on the bottom-right corner, and see more superscript and subscript characters. If you want to continue typing regular text right after the superscript or subscript, click directly after the superscript or subscript character, click in the sidebar, click the Baseline pop-up menu, then choose Default. Make sure the cursor is placed in text where you want superscript or subscript to show. Answer: Select the text that you wish to convert to superscript. Raise and lower characters and text in Numbers on Mac, Add mathematical equations in Numbers on Mac, Format fractions automatically in Numbers on Mac, Use accents and special characters in Numbers on Mac, Adjust character spacing in Numbers on Mac, Create and use character styles in Numbers on Mac.